Countdown to the G8 Summit: the 'Matatu' bus* is heading to Scotland,
Youngsters from Kenya, Uganda and Italy stopped at FAO Headquarters in Rome, on Tuesday, 14 June 2005, to collect messages against hunger and poverty that they will hand over to the G8 leaders, next July 6th, at Gleneagles, Scotland, UK. They were greeted by Ms. Eva Clayton, FAO Assistant Director-General's Adviser for the World Food Summit Follow up, and the FAO's Group of 77 Representatives. After leaving Rome, the bus will travel to Milan and then onward to Calais, England and its final destination, the G8 Summit in Scotland. *"Matatu" comes from the Swahili word for "three." It used to

1. From 7th to 15th of May 2005, the Matatu bus stopped in Kampala. 42 year-old Ugandan Rebecca explains the symbolic nature of the Action Aid International campaign and the symbol of the 'Matatu' bus in the African culture.
1min. 22sec.

2. Iacopo, a young Italian citizen and member of Action Aid International got onboard the Matatu bus in Rome. He is heading to Milan with this message:
0min. 17sec.
Topic(s): Food Security, Testimonials
Produced by: Liliane Kambirigi
Reference: 8164