Rural kids access the ICT age
"One laptop per child" (OLPC) is a concept. It is an education project, not a laptop project", this is Nicholas Negroponte's motto. As founder of the MIT Media Lab, Negroponte pushed the edge of the information revolution as an inventor, thinker and angel investor. Now he's the driving force behind $100 One Laptop Per Child (Photo OLPC), building computers for children in the developing world. Negroponte hopes to put the first devices in the hands of the children in the developing world by the end of 2007, expanding to millions more by 2010.(Information Technology and Knowledge Exchange are part of

Recently, Mr Matt Keller, Director of Europe, Middle East and Africa for 'One Laptop per Child' visited FAO, in Rome, with the project's founder. Keller had this to say:
1min. 45sec.
Topic(s): Education & capacity building
Produced by: Alison Small/L. Kambirigi
Reference: 9080