Alliance Against Hunger and Malnutrition: governments together with civil society
The Alliance Against Hunger and Malnutrition - a global voluntary partnership ? contributes to establishing networks for supportive communication within countries. It is a space where governments and civil society organizations can find their similarities, build working relationships and, through unity, increase their visibility, recognition and impact.

1. Interview with Professor Denis Lucey, Chairman of the Irish Gorta Hunger Secretariat (First photo)
2min. 10sec.

2. Interview with Ugandan Rebecca Amukhoye, GORTA's Regional Director for East Africa (Second photo)
2min. 16sec.

3. Interview with Tony Hall, Executive Director, Alliance Against Hunger in America and former US Ambassador to Rome based-UN Agencies (Third photo)
1min. 57sec.
Topic(s): Food Security, Nutrition, Projects, World Food Day
Produced by: FAO
Reference: 9511