مقاطع إذاعية
مقاطع إذاعية
Priority issues for Near East food and agriculture brought to the table
27 February 2014, Rome – A three-day technical meeting has come to a close for the Regional Conference for the Near East and North Africa (NERC32). During the conference, government ministers and senior officials from countries across the region reviewed the overall state of food and agriculture. They also discussed urgent issues facing countries, including the development of a strategy for sustainable water management, as the region faces what may be the most severe intensification of water scarcity in its history. The agenda also focused on reducing food losses and waste in the region; ensuring gender equality in agriculture and the rural sector; and, other priority areas for FAO’s work over the next two years. A two-day Ministerial Meeting opens today at FAO headquarters for Ministers from member countries across the region.

José Graziano da Silva, FAO Director-General, excerpted speech.
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Fatima Hachem is the NERC Secretary and a Senior Nutrition and Consumer Protection Officer at FAO’s Regional Office for the Near East and North Africa. In the following interviewing she explains how NERC32 supports food security and agricultural development in the region, what can be expected following this week’s conference and why gender mainstreaming is such an important focus going forward.
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Wilfred Ngirwa, Independent Chairperson of the Council.
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الموضوع: الأمن الغذائي, الجوع وانعدام الأمن الغذائي, اجتماع, تنمية ريفية وزراعية, زراعة ومحاصيل
ن إنتاج: Sandra Ferrari
المرجع: 10378