مقاطع إذاعية
مقاطع إذاعية
Emergency cattle vaccination campaign underway along Syria-Lebanon border
©FAO/Ivo Balderi
9 April 2015, Rome--- Concerns over the spread of high impact transboundary animal diseases are mounting in Lebanon and neighbouring countries, as approximately 1.5 million refugees flee the conflict in Syria. The UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization has issued a warning today that some migrants are bringing large numbers of unvaccinated sheep, goats, cattle, and other animals with them. The Organization is now carrying out the second phase of a campaign to immunize as much of the country’s livestock as possible, with a target of vaccinating all animals.

Dr. Juan Lubroth is FAO’s Chief Veterinary officer. In the following interview he elaborates more on the challenges ahead. (Interview conducted by Sandra Ferrari)
3دقيقة 19ثانية
الموضوع: آفات وأمراض, إنتاج الغذاء \ الأزمات, التنوّع الوراثي النباتي والحيواني
ن إنتاج: Sandra Ferrari
المرجع: 11102