مقاطع إذاعية
مقاطع إذاعية
Food Safety Assessment in Japan
18 April 2011-The fallout from the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant accident has contaminated food particularly in Fukushima and Ibaraki prefectures. Shortly after the earthquake struck Japan on March 11, the Joint FAO/IAEA Division sent a Food Safety Assessment Team to the most affected areas. The team's objective was to assist the Japanese authorities with their radiation monitoring activities. The Joint Division will also be supporting Japan with remediation techniques to try to clean up and restart agriculture in the affected zones.

IAEA's Louise Potterton spoke to team members.
1. Andrew Cannavan, head of the Joint FAO/IAEA Division's Food & Environmental Protection Laboratory.
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2. Lionel Mabit, soil scientist in the Joint FAO/IAEA Division's Soil and Water Management and Crop Nutrition Laboratory (photo).
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الموضوع: الأمن الغذائي
ن إنتاج: FAO
المرجع: 9042