مقاطع إذاعية
مقاطع إذاعية
TZH 32 - Antimicrobial Resistance: How can we stop it?
Antimicrobial Resistance: How can we stop it?
©FAO/Jose Cendon
Antibiotics and other antimicrobials are commonly used in food and agriculture production. But their overuse and misuse is resulting in antimicrobial resistance (AMR). Christine Czerniak, a communications expert at the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), believes farmers have a critical role to play in stemming the spread of antimicrobial resistance.

Interview: Charlotta Lomas, FAO
7دقيقة 40ثانية

Responsible Antimicrobial Use Saves Lives (PSA 30sec)
To keep antimicrobials working, we need to take action today. Improve cleanliness to help stop infections before they start. And when you or your animals get sick, think twice and seek advice from a qualified health professional. Responsible antimicrobial use saves lives and will help us achieve #ZeroHunger.
الموضوع: Antimicrobial Resistance, SDGs, مياه وري, مصايد الأسماك وتربية الأحياء المائية, Zero Hunger, الأمن الغذائي, التنوّع الوراثي النباتي والحيواني, تنمية ريفية وزراعية, تغذية, زراعة ومحاصيل, سلامة الغذاء وحماية المستهلك
ن إنتاج: Charlotta Lomas, FAO
المرجع: 12461