New guide to prevent child labour in conflicts and disasters
©FAO/Giampiero Diana
12 June 2017, Rome--- A new guide by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization to ensure measures to prevent child labour in agriculture are included in crisis response has been presented today to mark World Day Against Child Labour. Around the world, millions of children in countries affected by crisis are trapped in exploitative and dangerous work.

Jacqueline Demeranville, a Programme Officer with FAO's Decent Rural Employment Team, elaborates more on the issues and the contents of this new guide. (Interview conducted by Murielle Sarr)
6min. 20sec.

Opening remarks by Daniel Gustafson, FAO Deputy Director-General Programmes, at the event to mark World Day against Child Labour.
5min. 31sec.

Panel discussion - (00:00) Benjamin Davis, FAO SP3 Leader; (03:48) Shukri Ahmed, FAO Deputy SP5 Leader; (13:11) Presentation of the new guide by Ariane Genthon, Child Labour expert, FAO Decent Rural Employment Team; (23:25) Jacobus de Hoop, UNICEF Innocenti.
32min. 51sec.

Floor discussion (questions and answers session).
16min. 47sec.
Tema(s): Agricultura y cultivos, Educación y capacitación, Emergencias / Crisis , Seguridad alimentaria
Realizador: FAO
Referencia: 12116