FAO Goodwill Ambassador Miriam Makeba visits DRC
12 March 2008, Kinshasa -- World renowned South African musician Miriam Makeba arrived in Kinshasa, the capital of the Democratic Republic of the Congo on Wednesday. Mama Africa, as the music diva is known, is on a four-day visit to the country in her capacity as Goodwill Ambassador for the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). She told reporters that she is in the country to support FAO because of the good work it is doing helping people in need.

During her mission to the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Miriam Makeba will visit FAO farm projects helping women survivors of sexual violence and families affected by HIV/AIDS, and meet with senior government officials. (FAO Photo ©FAO/Giulio Napolitano: Miriam Makeba on arrival at Kinshasa, 12 March 08)
1min. 3sec.
Tema(s): Día Mundial de la Alimentación, Embajadores de buena voluntad, Emergencias / Crisis , Seguridad alimentaria
Realizador: Radio Okapi/UN Radio
Referencia: 8557