Second Mediterranean Forest Week The impact of climate change on sustainable forest
6 April 2011, Avignon (France)- A press conference will take place during the Second Mediterranean Forest Week held in Avignon, on 5-8 April 2011. This event brings together policy makers, scientists, forest managers and civil society to address the role of forests for sustainable development, the impact of climate change on forest fire prevention strategies and key resources like water.

A collaborative Partnership on Mediterranean Forests, aiming at ensuring sustainable production of goods and services from forest ecosystems in the region, has recently been established to strengthen the capacities of member countries of the FAO Committee on Mediterranean Forestry Questions-Silva Mediterranea.
Mr Eduardo Rojas-Briales, Assistant Director-General for the FAO Department of Forestry
2min. 36sec.
Tema(s): Silvicultura / Forestal
Realizador: FAO
Referencia: 9248