Malawi: Scaling up nutrition
A delegation attends Committee on Food Security 20 October 2011, Rome -- Malawi is one of the first countries to have joined the Scaling Up Nutrition movement. Its government at the highest level recognizes that healthy, well-nourished people are both the outcome of successful social and economic development and an essential input into the development process. This has allowed the country to emerge from a major nutritional crisis in the early 2000s and to make significant progress towards achieving MDG1.

In the Office of the President of Malawi where she works, Dr Mary Shawa elaborates on the coordination and implementation of national plans and programmes related to food security and nutrition.(©FAOPhoto/G. Napolitano)
4min. 48sec.
Tema(s): Día Mundial de la Alimentación, Nutrición, Seguridad alimentaria
Realizador: FAO
Referencia: 9483