Kofi Annan - Statement for the FAO-Nobel Peace Laureates Alliance
©FAO/Alessandra Benedetti
11 May 2016, Rome--- FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva welcomed today Oscar Arias Sánchez, Tawakkol Karman, Betty Williams and Muhammad Yunus at FAO headquarters in Rome for the launch of the FAO-Nobel Peace Laureates Alliance for Food Security and Peace, a new initiative that will advise FAO on how to strengthen the link between peace and food security in countries. The addresses by the four laureates and the FAO Director-General were followed by a discussion and the signing of a declaration.

Audio of former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan's video message for the launch of the FAO-Nobel Peace Laureates Alliance for Food Security and Peace in Rome at FAO headquarters.
2min. 32sec.
Tema(s): Entrevistas
Realizador: FAO
Referencia: 11712