Top chefs share secrets of bean cuisine in colorful new book
©FAO/Atul Loke
26 May 2016, Rome--- The UN Food and Agriculture Organization released a new book to mark the International Year of Pulses. This pulse-themed book takes readers on a culinary adventure around the globe with pictures, infographics and interviews with famous chefs from every region. Culinary contributors include the likes of Chef Ron Pickarski of the United States, one of India’s leading chefs Sanjeev Kapoor, Pakistan’s Zubaida Tariq and Turkey’s Didem Şenol Tiryakioğlu. These latter two countries – Turkey and Pakistan are, in fact, leading the international year.

Full recording of the nomination ceremony of Ms. Jenny Chandler, Special Ambassador for the International Year of Pulses 2016 for the Europe region: statements by FAO Director-General, José Graziano da Silva; Jenny Chandler, Food writer and cookery teacher.
33min. 04sec.

Sile Obroin, one of the FAO’s lead Coordinators of the book, tells us more about the importance of pulses and what to expect in this new book. Interview conducted by Sandra Ferrari
6min. 00sec.
Tema(s): Agricultura y cultivos, Hambre / Inseguridad alimentaria , Producción alimentaria y reservas, Seguridad alimentaria
Realizador: FAO
Referencia: 11751