International Walk for Development - Rome - 9 May 1971 Report by
With statements by Dr. A.H. Boerma, FAO D.G. ; Mr. S.Ghielmi, President of Mani Tese, Senator Pio Alessandrini, Rep. of the Italian gov. ; Mayor of Rome Dr. Darida ; Interview with Amb. of Canada Mr. B. Rogers, Statements by C.H. Weitz, Coordinator FA0 FFH; Mr.P.Bastogi, Dir. of Information of Mani Tese; Dr. A.H. Boerma, FAO D.G. (in English, in French and in Italian) - recorded by R.O. Miller (FAO radio section)

5min. 34sec.
Tema(s): Director General, Histórico
Realizador: R.O. Miller
Referencia: 8155