2050: A third more mouths to feed
FAO to organize a High-Level Expert Forum in Rome on 12-13 October 2009 to discuss strategies on ¿How to Feed the World in 2050¿. The Forum will bring together around 300 leading experts from academic, nongovernmental and private sector institutions from developing and developed countries. It will also prepare the ground for the World Summit on Food Security, to take place in Rome 16-18 November 2009. The following are a series of audio interviews on the main documents of the Forum: Excerpts from Mr Jacques Diouf and more audios...

FAO Assistant Director-General Hafez Ghanem is confident that the meeting will address key challenges that the world faces, today. Listen:
1min. 43sec.

"The Technology Challenge" is one of several produced by the UN food agency to serve as starting points for panel discussions at the "High-Level Expert Forum on How to Feed the World in 2050". According to FAO's economist, David Dawe, increased investment in agricultural research essential:
1min. 54sec.

Poorest regions with the highest levels of chronic hunger are likely to be among the worst affected by climate change, according to FAO. While globally the impact of climate change on food production may be small, at least until 2050, the distribution of production will have severe consequences on food security. Leslie Lipper, FAO's Environmental Economist has more:
38min. 0sec.

FAO's Eve Crowley -- Gender, Equity and Rural Employment Division -- talks about the challenges facing African agriculture and calls for more investment in women:
1min. 57sec.
Tema(s): Desarrollo rural o agrícola, Seguridad alimentaria
Realizador: FAO
Referencia: 8782