Graziano's inaugural press conference: "No time to lose"
FAO would begin by scaling up its support to a number of low-income, food deficit countries, especially those facing prolonged crises, Hunger eradication is the first of five strategic priorities he intended to pursue at FAO, Graziano da Silva said (Photo©FAO/Alessandra Benedetti). The others were: move towards more sustainable systems of food production and consumption; achieve greater fairness in the global management of food; complete FAO's reform and decentralization; and expand South-South cooperation and other partnerships.

New Director-General of FAO,had his first press conference, 3 January, in Rome. The following is his statement before the press conference:
10min. 52sec.

José Graziano da Silva, 8th Director-general of FAO, on his first week in office, met the press and responded to their questions:
46min. 18sec.
Tema(s): Conferencia de prensa, Director General
Realizador: FAO
Referencia: 9374