39th Session of the Committee on World Food Security Mozambique is determined
Rome, 18 October 2012- Nearly 10 years after the endorsement of the ?Maputo Declaration on Agriculture and Food Security in Africa?, which committed African governments to allocate at least 10 percent of national budgetary resources to agriculture and rural development policy implementation, Mozambique stands with a 7 percent agricultural growth per year. As a member of the New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD), the Southern African Development Community (SADC) and the Community of Portuguese-speaking countries (CPLP), Mozambique holds a strategic position in promoting the sustainable use of arable lands in the region.

Interview with Mr. José Pacheco, Minister for Agriculture of Mozambique
6min. 44sec.
Tema(s): Seguridad alimentaria
Realizador: FAO
Referencia: 9386