39th Session of the Committee on World Food Security FAO and Sierra
Rome, 18 October 2012- As part of CFS achievements, a two-year technical assistance project has been signed at FAO headquarters, to improve Sierra Leone's capacity to anticipate, plan for and respond to food security and nutrition threats. Sierra Leone is recurrently affected by localized disasters such as drought, floods, insect attacks, landslides, bush fires and livestock diseases leading to food insecurity and malnutrition.

The Early Warning System will greatly assist the Government and partners to project NF&NS-SL during seasons or annually and to know in advance whether or not there will be a good harvest.
More with Mr. Sam Sesay, Minister for Agriculture of Sierra Leone, who attends the Committee on World Food security:
2min. 37sec.
Tema(s): Seguridad alimentaria
Realizador: FAO
Referencia: 9545