Ministerial Meeting wraps up discussions
©Alessandra Benedetti

7 October 2013, Rome - The Second Ministerial Meeting on International Food Prices has come to a close at FAO. Ministers from around the world are expected to return to their countries with new insights from today’s policy discussions and shared best practices. The first ministerial meeting was held just one year ago, in response to spikes in international grain prices. Though progress has been made since then, there are continuing concerns around issues of food prices and market stability.

José Graziano da Silva, Director-General of FAO.
3min. 40sec.

H.E. Yukol Limlamthong, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Agriculture and Cooperatives of Thailand
3min. 53sec.

S.E. Dacian Ciolos, Commissaire européen à l’Agriculture et au Développement rural
5min. 15sec.

S.E. Stéphane Le Foll, Ministre de l’agriculture, de l’agroalimentaire et de la forêt
3min. 55sec.
Sujet(s): Agriculture & cultures, Développement rural ou agricole, Faim & insécurité alimentaire, Prix des denrées alimentaires, Production & stocks alimentaires, Sécurité alimentaire
Produit par: FAO
Référence: 10092