Global Oceans Action Summit for Food Security and Blue Growth opens
©FAO/Giuseppe Bizzarri
22 April 2014, The Hague/Rome – Urgent coordinated action is needed to restore the health of the world’s oceans and secure the long-term well-being and food security of a growing global population. That is a key message of an international summit that opens today in The Hague, the Netherlands. Ministers and senior representatives from governments, the fishing industry, coastal communities, science and civil society are coming together at the Global Oceans Action Summit for Food Security and Blue Growth (22-25 April) which aims to bring global attention and increased investment into addressing the three key threats to ocean health and food security: overfishing, habitat destruction and pollution. The summit will culminate in a high level roundtable on Thursday 25 April.

Árni M. Mathiesen is the Assistant Director-General of the Fisheries and Aquaculture Department at FAO. In the following interview he elaborates on the priority issues being addressed at the summit and the biggest challenges facing the world’s marine related sectors.
3min. 02sec.
Sujet(s): Eau & irrigation, Pêches & aquaculture, Sécurité alimentaire
Produit par: Sandra Ferrari
Référence: 10498