Special event to celebrate the entry into force of the PSMA Agreement
©FAO/Giuseppe Bizzarri
11 July 2016, Rome--- High-level authorities, ministers and delegates, representing Port States around the world, have gathered today at the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization in Rome to celebrate the launch of an international Port State Measures Agreement. This Agreement is the first ever binding international treaty, specifically targeting Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated fishing – or IUU.

Opening statement by José Graziano da Silva, FAO Director-General.
11min. 19sec.

Keynote address by H.E. Alpha Condé, President of the Republic of Guinea. (in French)
07min. 27sec.

Remarks by Representatives of State Parties.
49min. 05sec.

Matthew Camilleri, FAO's Fishery liaison Officer, explains more about the Port State Measures Agreement. (Interview conducted by Sandra Ferrari)
06min. 59sec.