Indonesia to issue first licence certifying legal timber entering Europe
L. Taylor / FAO
15 September 2016, Rome--- Indonesia and the European Union are set to issue the world’s first “Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade timber licence”, also known as a FLEGT license. The FLEGT licence will accompany shipments of timber that are being exported from Indonesia to EU member states, certifying these shipments being traded to one of the world’s largest consumers of timber products. According to the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization, FLEGT timber licencing is a major achievement in the fight against illegal logging. Worldwide, forest crime is estimated to be worth 30-100 billion dollars annually. FAO is currently assisting it’s member countries to establish mechanisms in order to demonstrate the legality of their timber production.

Robert Simpson, Programme Manager for FAO’s FLEGT Programme, based in Rome, tells more about the world’s first FLEGT licence. (Interview conducted by Sandra Ferrari)
5min. 33sec.
Sujet(s): Environnement/Ressources naturelles, Forêts
Produit par: FAO
Référence: 11874