High-level event on rural women - Closing session
©FAO/Alessandra Benedetti
16 December 2016, Rome--- Achieving gender equality and empowering women is not only the right thing to do but is a critical ingredient in the fight against extreme poverty, hunger and malnutrition, FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva said today.

Remarks by H.E. Jan Tombinski, Head of Delegation of the European Union.
08min. 42sec.

Closing remarks by Brave Ndisale, Director a.i. of the Social Policies and Rural Institutions Division, FAO.
06min. 47sec.
Sujet(s): Développement rural ou agricole, Femmes et genre, Réunion, Sécurité alimentaire
Produit par: FAO
Référence: 12003