CountrySTAT Services Development: statistics at country-level contribute to good governance
FAO cooperates with national statistical offices and ministries of agriculture in order to help them to use the system, know methodologies, organize and disseminate data. With CountrySTAT, a statistical information system dealing with food and agriculture and a strategic tool in development planning towards food security, FAO is committed to build national capacities. At country-level, experts are learning, experiencing and implementing CountrySTAT. Here are a few testimonials as collected in Rome, during a hands-on Training Workshop (October 2009):

¿CountrySTAT helps to collect and analyze data that are fundamental for decision-makers, even though there are some constraints such as the lack of personnel and money and the slowness of internet connection¿.
2min. 19sec.

¿CountrySTAT allows both producers and users - government officials, members of Parliament, researchers and students - to think about agriculture statistics by using a unique integrate system¿.
2min. 35sec.

¿CountrySTAT users have a better approach to statistic information because data coming from different institutions have been put together and they are easily accessible through the use of internet. It helps to understand market direction and trends¿.
1min. 26sec.
Produit par: FAO
Référence: 8902