Groundbreaking treaty offers new tool in the fight against illegal fishing
FAO's conference has just approved new treaty that aims to close fishing ports to ships involved in illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing. Eleven FAO members ¿ Angola, Brazil, Chile, the European Commission, Indonesia, Iceland, Norway, Samoa, Sierra Leone, the United States and Uruguay ¿ have already come on board.

While there are ways to combat IUU fishing out at sea, they are often expensive and difficult to implement. By concentrating on ports where ships land, the new treaty offers an efficient and cost-effective way to address the problem .
Here the Minister of Fisheries and Marine Resources of Sierra Leone, Hon. Mrs Haja Afsatu O.E. Kabba talks about the challenges her country has faced in dealing with IUU fishing and why the new treaty is important.
2min. 33sec.
Sujet(s): Pêches & aquaculture
Produit par: FAO
Référence: 9025