FAO Committee on Food Security (CFS): Learning from the Ongoing Fight against
2. Philippines : Cassava Coops Aid Return to Farming after Military Strife. Years of conflict have reduced food security in the southern Philippines, but villagers in 112 farming communities in Mindanao are reviving their agriculture with a $1.8 million Japan-funded project. The program, the Emergency Rehabilitation of Agri-Based Livelihood for Disadvantaged Farmers and Returning Internally Displaced People, is providing seeds, livestock, tools and training.(FAO Photo/Bahag)

- Arsad Landasan is a former rebel commander who now heads a 50-member cassava-growing coop in Mindanao, Philippines. FAO's Peter Lowrey met him:
1min. 20sec.

- Jaime Montesur, Agronomist and project site coordinator: strategic planning is community's strength.
0min. 58sec.
Sujet(s): Sécurité alimentaire, Sommet mondial de l'alimentation
Produit par: Wilkerson/Lowrey
Référence: 9064