Plant Genetic Treaty met in Tunis, 1-5 May 2009
The objective of the Treaty is to facilitate the exchange of the most important food crops between nations. On a daily basis, more than 800 exchanges take place in the multilateral system. The Treaty secretariat, responsible for facilitating these exchanges, helps the different countries involved to understand the Treaty and the means to achieve these legal exchanges and contracts, in addition to offering training courses. The Treaty also serves as a vital forum for participating nations to debate the procedures of future exchanges.

Interview with Shakeel Bhatti, Secretary of the Treaty's Governing Body:
1min. 33sec.

New developments and projects in the Treaty are unveiled in Tunis. Bhatti attended:
1min. 30sec.
Sujet(s): Biodiversité, Biotechnologies, Plantes, Sécurité alimentaire
Produit par: FAO
Référence: 9211