Land and Water scarcity - Agricultural systems at risk
Monday 28 November FAO - The State of the World's Land and Water Resources (SOLAW) report highlights that the collective impact of these pressures and resulting agricultural transformations have put some production systems at risk of breakdown of their environmental integrity and productive capacity. ?Worldwide, the poorest have the least access to land and water and are locked in a poverty trap of small farms with poor quality soils and high vulnerability to land degradation and climatic uncertainty,? the report notes.

The following is a Press Conference at FAO to mark the launch of the first-ever edition of FAO's new flagship report "The State of the World's Land and Water Resources (SOLAW)".
6min. 52sec.

2. Alexander Müeller, FAO Assistant-Director General for Natural Resources (The State of the World's Land and Water Resources)
9min. 45sec.

3. Press Conference (28 Nov.11): The State of the World's Land and Water Resources (SOLAW) -
Answers by Jacques Diouf, FAO Director-General; Alexander Müeller, FAO Assistant-Director General for Natural Resources and Parviz Koohafkan, Director of FAO's Land and Water Division.
15min. 44sec.
Sujet(s): Biodiversité, Conférence de presse, Directeur général, Eau & irrigation, Sécurité alimentaire
Produit par: FAO
Référence: 9478