مقاطع فيديو
مقاطع فيديو
Water impounding system in Aklan Province, Philippines
To help improve water access in Altavas, Aklan Province, Philippines, FAO, in partnership with the Government has provided the community with a water impounding system designed to collect water from the rain and the waterfall. The initiative is part of a larger project, the Early Warning System for Food and Nutrition Security, funded by UNICEF and implemented by FAO in some of the poorest provinces in the Visayas region.
المرجع: F0166
4دقيقة 29ثانية
اللغة: لغات أخرى
الموضوع: مياه وري, مصايد الأسماك وتربية الأحياء المائية, الأمن الغذائي, زراعة ومحاصيل