مقاطع فيديو
مقاطع فيديو
10 million people in North Korea face imminent food shortages
A United Nations food security assessment in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (also known as North Korea) has found that following the worst harvest in 10 years, due to dry spells, heatwaves and flooding, about 10.1 million people suffer from severe food shortages, meaning they do not have enough food until the next harvest. FAO's work in North Korea provides support to more than 500 000 cooperative farmers, through the supply of vital production inputs for agriculture production. More importantly, it introduces techniques and technologies such as conservation agriculture, sustainable Rice Intensification and climate-resilient agriculture practices such agro-forestry, agroecology
المرجع: FITW0195
1دقيقة 41ثانية
اللغة: الإنكليزية
الموضوع: مقابلة, إنتاج الغذاء وأرصدته, إنتاج الغذاء \ الأزمات, الأمن الغذائي, تغير المناخ, زراعة ومحاصيل, سلامة الغذاء وحماية المستهلك