مقاطع فيديو
مقاطع فيديو
Rob Vos, Strategic Programme Leader (SO3) on Social Protection
Rob Vos, FAO's Strategic Programme Leader (SO3) - Reduce Rural Poverty, illustrates this year's World Food Day theme 'Social Protection and Agricultural', underlining the fact that although effective in rescuing millions of people from poverty, social protection alone cannot eradicate hunger and poverty. As the threat of climate change looms, other measures are needed if we are to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.
المرجع: FITW0041
4دقيقة 24ثانية
اللغة: الإنكليزية
الموضوع: يوم الأغذية العالمي, مقابلة, الأمن الغذائي, الجوع وانعدام الأمن الغذائي