مقاطع فيديو
مقاطع فيديو
Report launch in Rome: SOFI 2017 - UNICEF
Video message: Anthony Lake, Executive Director of UNICEF. After steadily declining for over a decade, global hunger is on the rise again, affecting 815 million people in 2016, or 11 per cent of the global population, says a new edition of the annual United Nations report on world food security and nutrition released today in Rome. At the same time, multiple forms of malnutrition are threatening the health of millions worldwide.
المرجع: F0178
2دقيقة 47ثانية
اللغة: الإنكليزية
الموضوع: إنتاج الغذاء وأرصدته, الأمن الغذائي, سلامة الغذاء وحماية المستهلك