Climate change: FAO at COP21
“In addressing climate change, agriculture does play the key role. For most countries in the world, adapting to climate change actually means providing food security.” Martin Frick talks about how the endorsement of the INDCs (Intended National Determined Contributions) at COP21 will give FAO the opportunity to work with countries, preparing the implementation, national adaptation strategies and the mitigation policies and look at COP22 next year in Marrakesh, where there will be a strong element on food security. He also underlines the importance of investing in agriculture in order to address rural poverty, food security, climate change adaptation and mitigation, all at the same time.
Referencia: FITW0051
3min. 58sec.
Idioma: Inglés
Tema(s): Cambio climático, Entrevistas, Seguridad alimentaria