World Food Day Video 2006
Agriculture may have become a minor player in many industrialized economies, but it must play a starring role on the world stage if we are to bring down the curtain on hunger. A new model for cooperation between the public and private sectors in rural development is evolving. Investment in infrastructure in rural areas has a crucial role in kindling agricultural growth which in turn, will produce dramatic benefits for agriculture and poor rural households. With an estimated 854 million people undernourished people around the world today only investment in agriculture - together with support for education and health -
Referencia: 2600
6min. 20sec.
Idioma: Árabe, Inglés, Francés, Italiano, Español, Chino
Realizador: Sheri Jennings; Massimo Fioravanti
Tema(s): Día Mundial de la Alimentación, Seguridad alimentaria