From FAO Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean
Director-General speaks at the LLDC Forum on Food Security and the Sustainable Development Goals in Uzbekistan
QU Dongyu praises Indonesian leader’s achievements in transformation of agrifood systems
Dall’Ufficio Regionale della FAO per il Vicino Oriente e il Nord Africa
Nuovi dati indicano che le crescenti violenze hanno spinto diverse zone del Darfur settentrionale verso la carestia
La caduta dei prezzi dei principali cereali compensa gli aumenti delle quotazioni di oli vegetali, carne e zucchero
From FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific
FAO Director-General addresses high-level Conference on transforming agrifood systems in Cabo Verde
Interview with FAO Chief Economist Máximo Torero on the SOFI 2024 report
FAO Director-General QU Dongyu addresses a Group of 20 Development Ministerial Meeting in Rio de Janeiro
A $30 million project aims to provide critical life-saving and livelihood assistance, sustainable recovery and resilience building support to smallholder farmers
Nida Collado announced as the seventh winner of the award at the 27th Session of the Committee on Forestry