FAO Liaison Office for North America



Rome - The 43rd session of the FAO Conference (July 1-7) begins this Saturday at the Organization’s headquarters in Rome and will oversee the election...


Rome -  Building on growing momentum to tackle environmental problems by addressing the ways in which our food and fiber are produced, the Global Environment Facility has approved 26 projects led by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.

“To ...


Rome/Khartoum – The current crisis in Sudan has worsened an already dire food insecurity situation, with hunger expected to increase substantially across the country as it heads into the typical lean season period from June to September. 

To scale up ...


Valparaíso- The Second Global Parliamentary Summit against Hunger and Malnutrition closed on Friday in Chile with a new Glob...


Rome - The world food import bill is forecast to reach a new record this year, though it is predicted to grow at a much slower pace compared to last year, as rising world prices, driven by higher quotations for fruits, vegetables, sugar and dairy produc...


Rome - With agriculture accounting for the bulk of child labour globally and the numbers involved growing, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is stepping up its work with partners on eliminating child labour in key sectors including cocoa, cotton, coffee. The lat...


The ocean is key to global food security, the livelihoods of over 600 million people, and essential to transforming agrifood systems, according to Manuel Barange, Director of the Fisheries and Aquaculture Division at the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).



Message from the Director


Washington, DC – Deputy Director General Beth Bechdol and Director of the Office of Emergencies and Resilience Rein Paulsen of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) were in Washington, DC during the week of May 29 for strategic meetings with high-le...


Rome The benchmark index of international food commodity prices declined in May amid significant drops in quotations for most cereals, vegetable oils and dairy products, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) 


Rome – FAO Director-General QU Dongyu outlined today three key sets of transformative actions FAO is working on to help make agrifood systems more efficient, more inclusive, more resilient and more sustainable.

“Actions are needed now,” the Director-General stresse...


Rome – The Horn of Africa is prone to natural shocks and hazards. The region has faced three severe drought phenomena in the last 12 years. Now, after five consecutive below average rainfall seasons, the region was back to its normal pattern during the long rains this yea...


Rome - Investment and finance solutions play a critical role in transforming our agrifood systems, especially at a time when multiple shocks keep pushing more people into hunger and poverty.

This is an area where "the