One Country One Priority Product (OCOP)

Expected outcomes and outputs

The OCOP expected outcomes will contribute to the aspirations of the FAO Strategic Framework and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in particular by:

  • Creating productive and resilient production systems through increased productivity, crop and food loss/waste reduction, value addition from processing of selected Special Agricultural Products (SAPs), improvement of coordination capacity of local governments to promote better and sustainable agriculture development, as well as the technical capacity of smallholder/family farmers and extension service providers in applying appropriate standards and standard operating procedures.
  • Ensuring food security, improved nutrition and affordable healthy diets through increased quality, safety and diversity of selected SAPs, in combination with fair and efficient market access and trade.
  • Protecting the environment through the reduction of the use of agricultural inputs (chemical pesticides and fertilizers, plastic film and medical drugs), establishment of systems for their sustainable and circular management at end-of-, reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, water use, land degradation and biodiversity loss.
  • Ensuring inclusive economic growth through the creation of decent jobs and an increased incomes, as well as major involvement of different ethnic and social groups, youth, girls and women in promoting the OCOP.

Targeted activities will also contribute to the following expected outputs:

  • Establishing technical networks for innovation and transformation of the sustainable development of SAPs.
  • Disseminating technologies for sustainable development of SAPs.
  • Formulating and applying enablers for sustainable development of SAPs.
  • Formulating effective market access platforms for sustainable development of SAPs.
  • Establishing an efficient coordination mechanism for sustainable development of SAPs nationwide.
OCOP Theory of Change