One Country One Priority Product (OCOP)

OCOP Webinar: Carbon Accounting for Sustainable Agrifood Systems

Virtual Event, 13/05/2024


Agriculture, while contributing to nearly one-fourth of human-induced greenhouse gas emissions, is also adversely impacted by climate change, experiencing extreme weather events, biodiversity loss, and land degradation. These challenges threaten the sector's productivity and livelihoods. However, with appropriate policies and investments, agriculture can play a pivotal role in mitigating climate change.

Recognizing this dual role, FAO One Country One Priority Product Initiative (OCOP) aims to promote inclusive, profitable and environmentally sustainable agrifood systems through the development of Special Agricultural Products (SAPs) which are unique products with special characteristics tied to their geography and culture. The initiative helps countries to unlock potential of their special products getting access to new markets regionally and globally by optimizing value chains, minimizing environmental and social impacts, and maximizing benefits for farmers and value chain actors. Since its inception in September 2021, over 85 countries from all five FAO regions have expressed strong interest in the sustainable promotion of more than 54 products.

About the webinar

The webinar will take place virtually on 13th of May from 13:00-15:00 (CET) and is jointly organised by One Country One Priority Product (OCOP) Initiative Secretariat and Agrifood Economics and Policy Division (ESA), FAO. This webinar aims to offer a comprehensive overview of the EX-ACT suite of tools, which gathers available evidence on the expected outcomes of agrifood interventions. It will also present case studies applicable to OCOP member countries, aiding policy makers and stakeholders in planning and implementing evidence-based actions for sustainable agrifood systems. 

Participants will learn about tools which help quantify the amount of greenhouse gas released or sequestered from agricultural production, analyse the outcomes of activities from agrifood investments along a selected agricultural value chains and understand how economic, social and environmental dimensions are intertwined. By providing decision-makers with valuable insights into the environmental, economic, and social dimensions of their interventions, these tools facilitate the development of more sustainable agrifood value chains.

The EX-ACT suite has been helping countries to assess greenhouse gas mitigation potential, biodiversity conservation and socioeconomic outcomes throughout agri-food value chains. The suite has been endorsed by the Hand-in-Hand Initiative to ensure sustainability of the country-level investments plans. Furthermore, during April-May 2024 a series of introductory trainings were conducted reaching about 30 countries under the HiH Initiative.

The participants

The webinar is open to individuals from diverse backgrounds who are interested in learning about carbon accounting for agrifood systems and exploring the potential applications of the EX-ACT suite of tools. Whether you are a policymaker, researcher, or industry professional, this webinar offers a unique opportunity to learn about the EX-ACT suite of tools and their potential use to promote climate resilient and sustainable agrifood system. 


Time (CET)



13:00 – 13:10

 Opening remarks and Introduction to OCOP

Mr Hafiz Muminjanov

Global Coordinator, OCOP Initiative, FAO

13:10 – 13:15

OCOP Promotional Video

Mr MH Kawsar
Communications Specialist, NSP, FAO

13:15 – 13:30

General introduction to EX-ACT suite of tools

Ms Joanna Ilicic

Economist, ESA, FAO

13:30 – 14:30

EX-ACT suite of tools
•         Presentation on EX-ACT & EX-ACT VC
•         Case study – Ethiopia dairy value chain

Mr Isaac Guzman

Climate Change Mitigation Analyst, ESA, FAO

14:30 – 14:50

Discussion and Q & A

Mr Hafiz Muminjanov

14:50 – 15:00

Closing remarks

Ms Joanna Ilicic