One Country One Priority Product (OCOP)


African Regional Organizing Group established for the OCOP Initiative


Accra – The Regional Organizing Group (ROG) for the implementation of the One Country One Priority Product initiative (OCOP) in Africa was established to oversee the implementation of the OCOP in the region and held its first meeting today.

The ROG is chaired by Abebe Haile-Gabriel, FAO Assistant Director-General and Regional Representative for Africa, and co-chaired by Yurdi Yasmi, FAO Deputy Regional Representative for Africa. The three Vice-Chairs of the ROG represent the Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA), the Africa Development Bank (AfDB), and Pan Africa Farmer Organization (PAFO). The members of the ROG include the Regional Programme Leader and Technical Officers at the FAO Regional Office.

The meeting was facilitated by Yurdi Yasmi, RAF Deputy Regional Representative, and attended by over 60 participants from the Regional and Sub-regional Offices, all FAO Country Representatives, Focal Points from 27 potential OCOP project countries representing the Governments and FAO Country offices, among others.

In his welcoming remarks, ADG Abebe Haile-Gabriel expressed his thanks to all participants and the OCOP Secretariat for their fundamental support for the establishment of the ROG in Africa. FAO Deputy Director-General Beth Bechdol followed with opening remarks that underlined the importance of a well-established ROG to ensure effective organization and oversight of the planning, coordination, implementation, monitoring, and reporting for the OCOP activities in Africa at regional and national levels. She commended the Chair of ROG in Africa for setting a good example, paving the way towards establishing a global network that can achieve OCOP objectives.

The Director of the FAO Plant Production and Protection Division, Xia Jingyuan, presented the key elements, progress and the way forward of the OCOP initiative worldwide. Edward Kilawe, FAO RAF Forestry Officer, presented on the overall OCOP implementation in Africa. Chen Zhijun, FAO Representative in Malawi presented the case study on the OCOP implementation in Malawi as one of the five demonstration project countries.

During the meeting, statements were delivered by selected key stakeholders, including Yemi Akinbamijo, Executive Director of the Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA); Monde Nyambe, Principal PPP Investment Officer at the Africa Development Bank (AfDB); and Elizabeth Nsimadala, Board Member of the Pan Africa Farmers Organization (PAFO).

In his concluding remarks, ADG Abebe Haile-Gabriel reiterated that the OCOP is focused on small-scale and family farms and aimed to support the implementation of the FAO Strategic Framework 2022–31, FAO Country Programming Framework and contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals. The OCOP is a country-owned and country-led initiative for transformation to MORE efficient, inclusive, resilient, and sustainable agrifood systems for better production, better nutrition, a better environment, and a better life, leaving no one behind. He urged all ROG members to work hand-in-hand to successfully implement the OCOP Initiative in Africa.

More on this topic

One Country One Priority Product (OCOP): 

Regional Knowledge Platform on One Country One Priority Product (OCOP) in Africa: 

About OCOP Coordination and Implementation: