One Health

Youth engagement

Youth engagement and participation in One Health advocacy and mainstreaming is one of the core strategies to advance the One Health approach. Youth engagement increases the sense of ownership and attachment to the global development agenda. Youth engagement also contributes to finding more sustainable and effective solutions, as their ideas can drive social change and generate positive outcomes.

FAO is actively rolling out youth engagement initiatives for One Health advocacy to make sure youth voices are included in the narrative and implementation of the One Health approach.

Find out more
Gender in One Health: FAO Virtual Learning Centers’ contribution to inclusive capacity development

To empower women to act as agents of change, Virtual Learning Centres engage service providers and build networks for disseminating One Health concepts...

World Food Forum Transformative Research Challenge

This One Health prize, co-hosted by at Wageningen University & Research (WUR) and FAO, calls upon teams worldwide to propose One Health...

Youth art contest for the One Health Future We Want

As part of the World Food Forum, we invited youth to send their creative art pieces on The One Health Future We Want.

Graffiti artist, Mutua Ndereva, based in Nairobi, Kenya created a graffiti art piece about One Health and talked about how art and the creative community can help better communicate this concept.

FAO collaborated with Jovit Leonerio, a singer song writer from the Philippines, to produce a song on One Health.