One Health


Strengthening pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response through the One Health approach in Bhutan


The overall objective of the Project is to strengthen national health system resilience and emergency preparedness through improved surveillance, laboratory capacities, and workforce capabilities under a One Health approach for better PPR to public health emergencies. 

Implementation arrangements and key components

As the two Implementing Entities, FAO and WHO will provide technical guidance and support project activities under the leadership of the MOAL, MOH, and the Bhutan One Health Secretariat (BOHS). The Project has four main components. 

  1. Operationalizing the Bhutan One Health Secretariat (BOHS).
  2. Strengthening surveillance and early warning.
  3. Upgrading laboratory systems.
  4. Investing in human resource capacity.
Expected outcomes

The implementation of the activities above will lead to outcomes outlined in the Pandemic Fund Results Framework.  JEE, SPAR, and PVS scores for indicators are expected to increase, demonstrating Bhutan’s achievement of: 

  • A functional early warning and holistic disease surveillance system
  • Synergized approaches to prepare and respond to health emergencies
  • Increased cooperation among sectors and initiatives for preparedness and response efforts
Find out more
Pandemic Fund

FAO will co-lead the implementation of 12 projects aimed to boost local and global health security as part of the Pandemic Fund’s first round of financing.

© Brent Stirton/Getty Images for FAO, CIRAD, CIFOR, WCS
Pandemic Fund Call

Pandemic Fund Second Call: FAO underlines its commitment to supporting countries to strengthen a One Health approach to pandemic prevention


Global fight against pandemics gains momentum as projects launch with FAO support

The first of Pandemic Fund projects launched at national level, including Ethiopia, Paraguay, Central Asia countries, and Yemen.