"Единое здоровье"

Partnering and investing in One Health


One Health is an integrated approach to preventing and responding to health threats at the human-animal-environment interface. It recognizes that the health of humans, animals, plants, and the environment are interconnected, and that a One Health approach is essential to protect the health of all.

One Health is a holistic approach to health that requires everyone to work together, including governments, international organizations, civil society, and the private sector. 

FAO works continually to support Members to promote health for people, animals, plants and the environment in a balanced and sustainable way. This includes measures focusing on infectious animal and zoonotic diseases, such as disease prevention, detection and control, but also the mitigation and management of antimicrobial resistance and efforts to achieve equity, stewardship, and sustainable development.

⦿ FAO’s One Health programme portfolio has grown to over USD 650 million

⦿ 228 active projects

⦿ 79 countries and regions

⦿ 48 resource partners

Partnering with FAO  

A portion of FAO's One Health funding is provided through the One Health in Agrifood System Transformation Fund - a pooled and multipartner mechanism supporting FAO's One Health Priority Programme Area. The fund offers an integrated and comprehensive One Health support package to countries to progress national pathways for transforming agrifood systems through One Health assessments and planning, technical support, policy advice and leveraging investment.   

Partnering with the Quadripartite

To ensure a multisectoral approach to One Health, FAO partners with UNEP, WHO and WOAH (the Quadripartite) through the Quadripartite One Health Joint Plan of Action and works on joint initiatives and pooled funding mechanisms. 

National One Health Investment plans  

FAO, together with the Quadripartite, has been assisting pilot countries, Kenya and Senegal, with One Health prioritization and investment planning.   

National partnerships for One Health investments ideally involve co-investment from the government and also public-private partnerships, farmer cooperative groups and academia.

One Health sustainable financing: National investment dialogue underlines why it pays off

The Government of Kenya with FAO hosted a One Health Investment Dialogue which brought together over 50 representatives from government, the African...

Global fight against pandemics gains momentum as projects launch with FAO support

The first of Pandemic Fund projects launched at national level, including Ethiopia, Paraguay, Central Asia countries, and Yemen. These projects...

Guidance for One Health field epidemiology workforce development

FAO, WHO and WOAH release the first-ever global guidance to develop One Health field epidemiology competencies to support workforce development...

The Quadripartite organizations announce the second Term members of its One Health High-Level Expert Panel (OHHLEP)

Following a public call for experts, the Quadripartite organizations today announced the Members of the One Health High-Level Expert Panel (OHHLEP)...

One Health in action: FAO, WHO and WOAH train professionals across Europe

FAO, WHO, and WOAH join forces to bring together professionals from the animal health, human health, wildlife, and food safety sectors from all over...

© Brent Stirton/Getty Images for FAO, CIRAD, CIFOR, WCS
Pandemic Fund Second Call: FAO underlines its commitment to supporting countries to strengthen a One Health approach to pandemic prevention

FAO will support countries and regional bodies to develop proposals in support of national, regional and global efforts in preventing, preparing, and...