One Health

Taking a multisectoral One Health approach:
A tripartite guide to addressing zoonotic diseases in countries

Zoonotic diseases, or zoonoses, are diseases shared between animals – including livestock, wildlife, and pets – and people. They can pose serious risks to both animal and human health and may have far-reaching impacts on economies and livelihoods. Zoonotic diseases are commonly spread at the human-animal-environment interface – where people and animals interact with each other in their shared environment. Zoonotic diseases can be foodborne, waterborne, or vector-borne, or transmitted through direct contact with animals, or indirectly by fomites or environmental contamination.

The FAO-OIE-WHO zoonoses guide was developed to provide member countries with practical guidance on One Health approaches to build national mechanisms for multisectoral coordination, communication, and collaboration to address zoonotic disease threats at the animal-human-environment interface.

Three operational tools have been developed to support national staff:

These tools can be used independently or in coordinated efforts to support national capacity for preparedness and response, ultimately linking to existing international policies and frameworks, and supporting efforts for global health security.

Operational tools
Taking a Multisectoral One Health approach: A tripartite guide to addressing zoonotic diseases in countries

This guide provides practical guidance on One Health approaches to build national mechanisms for multisectoral coordination, communication, and collaboration to address zoonotic disease threats.

Multisectoral Coordination Mechanisms Operational Tool

This tool provides a standard stepwise approach for countries to establish or strengthen a mechanism for multisectoral, One Health coordination to manage zoonotic diseases.

Joint Risk Assessment Operational Tool

This tool presents the principles of JRA and its role in informing policy development. It provides guidance on how to set up a joint qualitative risk assessment process and describes step-by-step how to conduct each component of the process.

Surveillance and Information Sharing Operational Tool

This tool supports national authorities in their efforts to establish or strengthen a One Health multi-sectoral coordinated surveillance and information sharing (SIS) system for zoonotic diseases.

Download the Excel-based tool