
15 Oct 2013
FAO and the International Co-operatives Alliance (ICA)begin a new collaboration with the shared conviction that agricultural and food co-operatives must be central to any agricultural and rural development strategy. A Memorandum of Understanding that underlines this idea was signed today at FAO Headquarters by FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva and ICA President Pauline Green.
Civil Society
11 Oct 2013
“What the private sector does locally to combat hunger can quickly become global” - Graziano da Silva
Many of the companies that are here today are present in many countries. This is important because what you do locally against hunger can quickly become global", said FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva in a private sector partnerships meeting held today. At the meeting, Graziano da Silva announced that FAO has set up a multi-donor trust fund to allow private sector companies to financially contribute to the organization's work and support FAO projects and programmes. "I welcome and encourage you to join this partnership and kick start this newly established fund",he said. FAO Director-General explained that FAO...
Private Sector
10 Oct 2013
"Many of the companies that are here today are present in many countries. This is important because what you do locally against hunger can quickly become global", said FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva in a private sector partnerships meeting.
10 December, 2013 - "Many of the companies that are here today are present in many countries. This is important because what you do locally against hunger can quickly become global", said FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva in a private sector partnerships meeting held today. At the meeting, Graziano da Silva announced that FAO has set up a multi-donor trust fund to allow private sector companies to financially contribute to the organization's work and support FAO projects and programmes. "I welcome and encourage you to join this partnership and kick start this newly established fund",he said.
Private Sector
07 Oct 2013
The world’s most important intergovernmental and multi-stakeholder platform for food security and nutrition, opened its 40th session (CFS 40) at FAO headquarters.
Rome - The Committee on World Food Security, the world’s most important intergovernmental and multi-stakeholder platform for food security and nutrition, opened its 40th session (CFS 40) at FAO headquarters, amid urgent calls to build more effective links between international policies and the daily needs of millions of the world’s most vulnerable people. “The latest estimates signal there are nearly 30 million less hungry people in the world in 2013, compared to last year,” said FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva. “And we continue to progress towards achieving the Millennium Development Goal hunger target of reducing by half the proportion of the undernourished...
Civil Society
07 Oct 2013
Director-General opens the International Food Security and Nutrition Civil Society Mechanism (CSM) meeting that will debate a number of key issues during the annual Committee on World Food Security
Over 240 civil society representatives hailing from 175 countries across the world met today at FAO headquarters to begin their annual CSM Forum. During the next two days, these representatives will work to find consensus on key issues to be discussed in next week’s plenary meeting of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS).  “Social movements and civil society organizations played a key role in driving the reform of the Committee on World Food Security to make it into the main and most inclusive international and intergovernmental platform for policymaking on food security and nutrition within the United Nations,” Graziano da...
Civil Society
05 Oct 2013
New agreement between FAO and the most representative movement of small producers
FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva and General Coordinator of La Via Campesina  Elizabeth Mpofu  today formalized an institutional framework for the relationship between the two organizations and defined proposals of collaboration in areas of common interest.The agreement marks a milestone in the relationship between FAO and civil society organizations, as La Via Campesina is the movement that brings together the largest number of small food producers on the planet. The agreement, concluded within the framework of a meeting at FAO headquarters in Rome, is part of the new FAO Strategy for Partnerships with Civil Society Organizations. This...
Private Sector
26 Sep 2013
Greenhouse gas emissions by the livestock sector could be cut by as much as 30 percent through the wider use of existing best practices and technologies, according to a new study released today by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).
Rome - Greenhouse gas emissions by the livestock sector could be cut by as much as 30 percent through the wider use of existing best practices and technologies, according to a new study released today by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).The report, Tackling climate change through livestock: A global assessment of emissions and mitigation opportunities, represents the most comprehensive estimate made to-date of livestock's contribution to global warming – as well as the sector's potential to help tackle the problem.All told, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions associated with livestock supply chains add up to 7.1 gigatonnes (GT) of...
Civil Society
23 Sep 2013
La FAO y la Universidad “La Salle” Beauvais firmaron la pasada semana un acuerdo de cooperación con el objetivo de contribuir al desarrollo conjunto de conocimientos y a la difusión equitativa de los patrimonios científicos.
  Marcela Villarreal, Directora de la Oficina de Asociaciones, Género, Actividades de Promoción y Creación de Capacidad de la FAO, visitó las instalaciones de la Universidad "La Salle" Beauveais en Francia para firmar este acuerdo. Gracias al mismo, los estudiantes de esta universidad politécnica especializada en la formación agrícola podrán seguir algunos de los cursos en línea diseñados por la FAO en materias como seguridad alimentaria, género,  Asimismo, las dos entidades colaborarán en la redacción de proyectos y en la movilización conjunta de recursos. El fortalecimiento de capacidad es un elemento central del mandato de la FAO. Uno de los programas clave...
Civil Society
23 Sep 2013
On August 15th, the Director-General of FAO signed a partnership agreement with Fundação Banco do Brasil to join technical capacities and information exchange with program and project development in order to end hunger.
  During his recent visit to Latin America, José Graziano da Silva signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Fundação Banco do Brasil (FBB) . This new partnership utilizes both entities’ knowledge and skills, resulting in an innovative approach to end hunger.   Fundação Banco do Brasil has an approach to development that uses Tecnologias Sociais (Social Technologies) for development. They have certified 504 of them, all of which are readily available for use off of their website as a Banco de Tecnologias Sociais (BTS). These social technologies are being translated into other languages as well.     The approach to the partnership will be as follows: FBB will mediate...
Private Sector
20 Sep 2013
New private sector partnership with Dutch cooperative bank will benefit farmers in Ethiopia, Kenya and Tanzania.
The Rabobank Foundation and FAO will share knowledge, innovation and financial resources in a broad strategy to make a difference in the lives of small-holder farmers and the rural poor in Africa. An agreement signed at FAO headquarters sets out how the organizations will work together on development projects in Ethiopia, Kenya and Tanzania. The projects will improve the income of small-holder farmers through support to small rural businesses, as well as through the identification of productive, competitive and sustainable agri-businesses along the whole value chain. Director-General José Graziano da Silva said that "this agreement is more than...