
Private Sector
20 Sep 2013
The managing director of Rabobank Foundation, Mr. Pierre van Hedel, visited FAO headquarters today and gave a seminar for FAO staff titled “The Value of Cooperative Banking in Supporting Smallholders” as part of the Private Sector Seminar Series.

20 September 2013, Rome – The managing director of Rabobank Foundation, Mr. Pierre van Hedel, visited FAO headquarters today and gave a seminar for FAO staff titled “The Value of Cooperative Banking in Supporting Smallholders” as part of the Private Sector Seminar Series.
Rabobank Foundation was created in 1973 by Rabobank Group, a Dutch multinational bank and global leader in Food and Agribusiness. Building upon Rabobank Group’s collaborative and sustainable banking strategies, Rabobank Foundation seeks to support smallholder farmers around the world through agricultural cooperatives and microfinance mechanisms. Mr. Van Hedel explained that Rabobank Foundation believes in empowering smallholder farmers through financial,...
Civil Society
20 Sep 2013
New private sector partnership with Dutch cooperative bank will benefit farmers in Ethiopia, Kenya and Tanzania
The Rabobank Foundation and FAO will share knowledge, innovation and financial resources in Africa in a broad strategy to make a difference in the lives of small-holder farmers and the rural poor.An agreement signed at FAO headquarters, involving our FAO decentralized offices, sets out how the organizations will work together on development projects in Ethiopia, Kenya and Tanzania. The projects will improve the income of small-holder farmers through support to small rural businesses, as well as through the identification of productive, competitive and sustainable agri-businesses along the whole value chain. Director-General José Graziano da Silva said...
Civil Society
19 Sep 2013
The agreement signed covers knowledge exchange, resilience programmes, women’s leadership support and poverty measurement
Grameen Foundation and FAO will work closely together to enhance smallholder access to knowledge and technologies for sustainable production and food security through the use of mobile agriculture supported services. The two organizations signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) today in Rome also aimed at improving farming innovation exchange, strengthening smallholder households to gain better access to agricultural and rural financial services and competitive value chains. Both organizations agreed that this is a great step forward in their efforts to improve food security. During his visit to FAO headquarters, Alex Counts, Chief Executive Officer and President of Grameen Foundation, highlighted...
Private Sector
17 Sep 2013
The agreement covers knowledge exchange, resilience, women’s leadership support and poverty measurement.
Rome - Grameen Foundation and FAO will work closely to enhance small-holder farmer access to knowledge and technologies for sustainable production and food security through the use of mobile agriculture supported services. The two organizations have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) also aimed at improving farming innovation exchange, strengthening small-holder households to gain better access to agricultural and rural financial services and competitive value chains. Both organizations agreed that this is a great step forward in their efforts to improve food security. During his visit to FAO headquarters, Alex Counts, Chief Executive Officer and President of Grameen Foundation,...
Private Sector
17 Sep 2013
The President and CEO of Grameen Foundation USA, Mr. Alex Counts, visited FAO headquarters today and gave a seminar for FAO staff titled “Grameen Model Towards Achieving Food Security,” which marked the beginning of the FAO Private Sector Seminar Series.
Rome –The President and CEO of Grameen Foundation USA, Mr. Alex Counts, visited FAO headquarters today and gave a seminar for FAO staff titled “Grameen Model Towards Achieving Food Security,” which marked the beginning of the FAO Private Sector Seminar Series. The seminar took place after FAO and Grameen Foundation signed a Memorandum of Understanding, which includes goals to increase farming innovation exchange, strengthen smallholders’ access to agricultural and financial services, and increase rural access to competitive value chains.  Mr. Counts first witnessed extreme poverty in 1988 when he was a Fulbright Scholar working with Grameen Bank in Bangladesh. He returned to...
09 Sep 2013
Agreement covers food security, right to food, land tenure rights and sustainable development
The non-governmental organization Deutsche Welthungerhilfe  and FAO will work more closely in their fight against hunger and poverty. The organizations signed an agreement on Monday in Rome, to promote the progressive realization of the right to food and improvements of the governance of land tenure for the benefit of all, with an emphasis on vulnerable and marginalized people. “Only if we work together will we be able to successfully eradicate hunger and poverty,” said FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva. “Cooperation with civil society groups like Welthungerhilfe is crucial to make the right to adequate and healthy food a reality.”...
Civil Society
02 Sep 2013
Сотрудничество ФАО и Всемирной продовольственной программы (ВПП) в целях преодоления голода и нищеты
ФАО и ВПП связывают давние партнерские отношения, направленные на содействие достижению продовольственной и пищевой безопасности уязвимых слоев населения. Одним из недавних примеров их сотрудничества в области разработки и реализации эффективных, результативных операций на местах может служить программа «Закупки у африканцев для Африки». Эта программа реализуется в Эфиопии, Малави, Мозамбике, Нигере и Сенегале начиная с февраля 2012 года и финансируется Бразилией и Министерством международного развития Великобритании. Объем финансирования составляет 4,5 млн долл. США. Эта совместная инициатива направлена на содействие достижению продовольственной и пищевой безопасности и росту доходов мелких фермеров Африки. Экспериментальные мероприятия строятся на основе инициативы ВПП «Закупки в интересах...
South-south Cooperation
20 Aug 2013
FAO Director-General co-chairs the second Sub-Saharan and Argentinean Agriculture Ministers Meeting
20 August 2013, Buenos Aires/Rome - FAO Director General José Graziano da Silva highlighted the potential of South-South Cooperation and reiterated FAO's commitment "to strengthen and channel exchanges between Latin America and Sub-Saharan Africa with the aim to adopt, adapt and broaden best practices that promote agricultural development"...
Civil Society
31 Jul 2013
Подборка мнений о возможных способах ведения сельского хозяйства, составленная Oxfam
Если вы читаете этот сайт, то, наверное, знаете об одной из дискуссий, разгоревшихся вокруг проблемы доступа к продовольствию – дискуссии о будущем сельского хозяйства как вида деятельности. Каким оно будет? Основанным на ископаемом топливе? Экологически чистым? Мелкомасштабным? Зависимым от удобрений? Эта дискуссия разворачивается в комментариях пользователей сайтов, в социальных сетях, в научной литературе, на страницах издаваемых ежедневно книг и брошюр. Яркие и аргументированные дебаты предлагают множество различных подходов. Но где гарантия, что они отражают мнения всех заинтересованных сторон? Oxfam International обратилась к 23 экспертам из 16 стран мира с просьбой поделиться мнением о будущем сельского хозяйства, ответив на четыре основополагающих вопроса. Со всех...
Civil Society
17 Jul 2013
Настойчивость сельских женщин
Встать в четыре часа утра, чтобы выйти на работу в поле, расположенное в пяти километрах от дома – нелегкая задача даже для взрослого человека, не говоря уже о школьнице. Лидия Сасу с детства занималась земледелием. Однако несмотря на усердный труд всех членов семьи, бывало, им не хватало еды. «Однажды в субботу, когда я еще училась в школе, – вспоминает Лидия Сасу, – мы с мамой пошли на рынок, чтобы получить деньги за проданную в кредит кассаву, но у покупателя не было денег, и мы так и не смогли купить еду». Лидия росла в семье мелких фермеров, которые выращивали продовольственные культуры,...