
South-south Cooperation
21 Nov 2018
The Changsha Declaration towards the achievement of the SDGs
From 1 to 2 November 2018, more than 200 representatives from nearly 30 developing countries, 12 international organizations, and the heads of the UN Rome-based Agencies (RBAs: FAO, IFAD and WFP) gathered in Changsha, Hunan province, China, to attend the Ministerial Level Forum on Global South-South Cooperation in Agriculture, which was jointly organized by FAO and the People’s Republic of China. The main objective of the Forum was to discuss paths to further increase South-South Cooperation (SSC) in the agricultural sector and promote it as a vital instrument to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)....
20 Nov 2018
Recognizing family farmers and small producers’ crucial role in sustainable food systems
FAO supports a UN campaign to enshrine the rights of family farmers, small-holders and rural workers and to fully acknowledge their role in achieving Zero Hunger and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. FAO is urging all countries to support the adoption of the Declaration on the Rights of Peasants and Other People Working in Rural Areas already adopted by the UN Human Rights Council. The Declaration makes specific reference to the right to adequate food, land, water, pastoralism, and agroecology. It also upholds the need to respect...
09 Nov 2018
FAO HQ hosted today the first official meeting of the International Steering Committee of the UN Decade of Family Farming. The meeting was attended by the representatives of countries from all FAO’s Regions, the three Rome-based UN agencies (FAO, IFAD and WFP), global and regional family farmers’ organizations, including World Rural Forum (WRF), La Via Campesina (LVC), World Farmers’ Organization (WFO), Asian Farmers’ Association for Sustainable Rural Development (AFA), Network of Farmers Organizations and Agricultural Producers of West Africa (ROPPA), and Confederation of Family Farmers Organizations of the Extended Mercosur (COPROFAM). Producing over 70 percent of the world's food, family farmers,...
South-south Cooperation
31 Oct 2018
Autoridades panameñas y mexicanas recibieron a los investigadores que participan en la misión centroamericana a su paso por Panamá. Este intercambio de Cooperación Sur-Sur cuenta con la colaboración de la FAO en el marco de la Iniciativa Global de Crecimi
Los 22 científicos que evalúan los recursos pesqueros de Centroamérica a bordo del Buque de Investigación Pesquera y Oceanográfica “Dr. Jorge Carranza Fraser” culminaron la primera etapa de la misión en el Atlántico y cruzaron el Canal de Panamá para proseguir con la campaña en el Pacífico.  La ‘Campaña América Central 2018’ inició el 17 de septiembre en el puerto de Progreso, Yucatán, México, y explorará aproximadamente 14 mil kilómetros en aguas de Belice, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica y Panamá con el...
Parliamentary alliances
30 Oct 2018
FAO Director-General urges parliamentarians from all over the world to place food security and nutrition at the top of the political agenda
29 Oct 2018
Unlocking the potential of the youth is key to transform Africa’s agriculture
Parliamentary alliances
29 Oct 2018
Mapping out the path for universities to shape policy making in Africa
Resource Partners
03 Oct 2018
EU contributed more than €1.5 billion to FAO programmes around the world in last 10 years
01 Oct 2018
New agreement foresees exchange of expertise, e-learning products and new learning opportunities for students
The Rome-based LUISS University and the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) agreed to exchange knowledge and expertise for the training of future practitioners in food security. A collaboration agreement was signed on 28 September by the Director of FAO’s Partnerships and South-South Cooperation Division, Marcela Villarreal and Prof. Antonio Nuzzo, Dean of the LUISS School of Law. According to the agreement, LUISS will integrate FAO’s e-learning materials on food and nutrition security, food safety and right to food in the curriculum of its Master of Law (LL.M.) in...