
Parliamentary alliances
05 Jul 2024
Honourable Françoise Uwumukiza, Chairperson of the Committee on Agriculture, Tourism and Natural Resources of the East African Legislative Assembly (EALA)
How do you plan to concretize your commitment to follow up on the Global Parliamentary Pact against Hunger and Malnutrition, particularly in the context of food security and nutrition? Can you share specific steps or initiatives you will undertake to ensure its implementation? As the Chairperson of the Committee on Agriculture, Tourism and Natural Resources of the EALA, I will take forward existing – and push for new – EAC legislations on food loss and waste, transboundary zoonotic diseases, plant and seeds, agroecology, climate change, and the right to adequate food for all. These efforts will build on East Africa...
South-south Cooperation
05 Jul 2024
05/07/2024 Rome, Italy – Managing South-South and Triangular Cooperation (SSTC) projects involves a set of unique coordination and management skills. With FAO’s expanding project portfolio, there is an increasing need to strengthen the programmatic and operational efficiency and quality of SSTC project management, Anping Ye, Director of the SSTC Division of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), said this week, at the Knowledge Sharing Workshop on SSTC: Improving the management of SSTC programmes and projects, hosted by FAO in Rome. FAO has been spearheading cooperation among countries of the global South since 1979 and SSTC has been...
Parliamentary alliances
28 Jun 2024
Midrand, South Africa. Gathered for the 3rd Session of its Sixth Parliament, the Pan African Parliament (PAP) held a ceremony on 28 June to officially launch the first ever Model law on Food and Nutrition Security in Africa. While not a legally binding document, this model law will provide parliaments and parliamentarians with legislative patterns and serve as a valuable tool to design sound legal and institutional frameworks to achieve sustainable food security and nutrition.  This model law is the tangible fruit of a longstanding partnership and collaboration between the African Union legislative body and the Food and Agriculture...
Parliamentary alliances
28 Jun 2024
30 June is the International Day of Parliamentarism, and as we celebrate, we reflect on the importance of the partnerships between FAO and parliamentary networks in driving food security and advancing the Sustainable Development Goals.
Parliaments play a crucial role in amplifying the perspectives and needs of individuals. Ensuring that the voices of their constituents are heard in policy decision-making, they are the bridge between parliamentary discussions and on-the-ground realities, helping ensure inclusive and participatory governance. Partnerships with parliaments, parliamentarians and parliamentary networks are of vital importance to FAO’s work helping ensure food security and nutrition (FSN) in every part of the world.  Through our joint efforts with parliamentary networks, FAO has helped steer progress on more than 100 laws related to FSN, with a commitment to driving legislative change that contributes to sustainable development and the...
Resource Partners
21 Jun 2024
FAO unveils new Project Dashboard and Transparency Portal
Rome – A new online dashboard released by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) provides an intuitive, user-friendly way to visualize connections between FAO’s projects, resource partners, and thematic areas of work, offering an easy way for the public to understand the large amount of project data published by the Organization. The launch of the dashboard underscores FAO’s commitment to transparency, by...
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