
Private Sector
17 Mar 2020
Aburi [Ghana] – Africa’s food market is estimated to grow to $1 trillion USD by 2030 and it needs the catalytic intervention of the private sector to bring it to fruition. In order to achieve and surpass this growth, all actors in the agribusiness space must play their part. An indispensable actor is the private sector. This growth potential, coupled with the recently signed Africa Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), with a combined Gross Domestic Product of more than US$3.4 trillion, provides new opportunities for consumer and business spending, led by a vibrant private sector. The...
Parliamentary alliances
16 Mar 2020
Parliamentarians of Eastern Africa nations held their Third Annual General Assembly
Djibouti – Food insecurity and malnutrition will continue to hamper economic development and people’s wellbeing, unless national governments take brave measures to unravel the predicament, said parliamentarians, drawn from 10 Eastern Africa nations.  In their 3rd Annual General Assembly, held from 8 to 10 March 2020 in Djibouti, members of the Eastern Africa Parliamentarian Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition (EAPA - FSN), underlined that now was the critical time to enact and enforce laws on food security and nutrition. They noted ensuring the allocation of an adequate share of national budgets for agricultural development and food security programmes is a...
Parliamentary alliances
12 Mar 2020
Engaged and determined after the Brazzaville Forum, parliamentarians from the Central African Republic launch the country's own parliamentary alliance for food security and nutrition
Bangui Office of the Central African Republic Parliamentary Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition: normative framework and action plan FAO, in collaboration with other United Nations agencies and the Network of Parliamentary Alliances for Food Security and Nutrition in Central Africa, organized a day of awareness-raising on food security and nutrition issues for parliamentarians in the Central African Republic. During the event, organized in accordance with the Declaration of Brazzaville, a national parliamentary alliance for food security and nutrition was created.  As guarantors of political and economic commitments, parliamentarians have a central role to play in a region where more than 44.6 million...
Resource Partners
12 Mar 2020
Разработанный Министерством сельского хозяйства и ФАО проект поможет 240 000 мелких фермеров в уязвимых сельских общинах
Сегодня Совет Зеленого климатического фонда утвердил ассигнование в размере $119 млн на разработанный при участии ФАО проект по повышению устойчивости к изменению климата уязвимых сельских общин на Кубе.    Сам Зеленый климатический фонд выделит $38,2 млн, а правительство Кубы предоставит $81,7 млн в качестве софинансирования по проекту, который должен помочь 240 000 человек. Об этом было объявлено сегодня на заседании Совета фонда в Женеве; это...
South-south Cooperation
02 Mar 2020
For many people around the world, cotton is a safety net. As a crop resistant to climatic changes, it can be planted in dry and arid zones and represents a real economic lifeline in rural areas where there are high levels of poverty. South-South and Triangular Cooperation is all about: sharing lessons across countries with similar challenges, learning what works for development and empowering each other in the process.