
Private Sector
14 Apr 2015
La FAO y el Club de Exportadores e Inversores Españoles exploran vías de colaboración con las entidades financieras del Club
14 de abril de 2015, Roma - El Club de Exportadores e Inversores Españoles visitó hoy la sede central de la FAO en Roma para profundizar sobre los instrumentos financieros necesarios para asegurar la seguridad alimentaria y el desarrollo a través de la sostenibilidad de las alianzas público-privadas La reunión da seguimiento a la “estrecha y fructífera colaboración”, según afirmó Marcela Villarreal, Directora de la División de Asociaciones, Promoción Institucional y Desarrollo de Capacidades en FAO, de la alianza firmada por ambas partes en noviembre de 2013. Este acuerdo tiene por objetivo principal aunar esfuerzos en la promoción...
Private Sector
09 Apr 2015
Pierre van Hedel reviews progress made in joint projects in Africa
Since the agreement between FAO and Rabobank Foundation was signed in 2013, the two organizations have made great progress in joint programs in Ethiopia, Kenya and Tanzania. The cooperation is based on the complementarity of the two organizations. Where FAO has extensive knowledge and experience in agricultural development, the Foundation can provide loans to help small-scale farmers access finances from existing financial institutions in their countries. It can also provide a track record for potential future financing by financial institutions. In addition, both FAO and the Rabobank Foundation have experience in providing capacity building in areas related to their...
02 Mar 2015
В соответствии с соглашением, на цели обмена опытом и знаниями, полученными в результате работы более чем на 90 объектах сельскохозяйственного наследия во всем мире, будет выделено 2 миллиона долларов США
ФАО и Китайская Народная Республика договорились об укреплении сотрудничества в области охраны объектов сельскохозяйственного наследия, к числу которых относятся, например, красивейшие рисовые террасы Хунхэ-Хани в китайской провинции Юньнань.   Недавно партнеры подписали новый Меморандум о взаимопонимании (МоВ) – Об активизации усилий по реализации Инициативы по развитию систем сельскохозяйственного наследия мирового значения (ГИАХС) путем расширения потенциала в рамках Сотрудничества по линии Юг-Юг (СЮЮ).  
25 Feb 2015
A cooperative of women in Ethiopia is set to reach the international market thanks to a partnership between Italian gourmet food store Eataly and FAO. The two joined forces in 2013 to support family farmers around the globe in boosting their production and finding ways to reach new overseas customers. The work with the women's cooperative is one example of this collaboration.
Private Sector
25 Feb 2015
Cactus pear marmalade to join more traditional jams on Italian shelves
A cooperative of women in Ethiopia is set to reach the international market thanks to a partnership between Italian gourmet food store Eataly and FAO. The two joined forces in 2013 to support family farmers around the globe in boosting their production and finding ways to reach new overseas customers. The work with the women's cooperative is one example of this collaboration.For a few years Tsega Gebrekidan...