
02 Mar 2015
В соответствии с соглашением, на цели обмена опытом и знаниями, полученными в результате работы более чем на 90 объектах сельскохозяйственного наследия во всем мире, будет выделено 2 миллиона долларов США
ФАО и Китайская Народная Республика договорились об укреплении сотрудничества в области охраны объектов сельскохозяйственного наследия, к числу которых относятся, например, красивейшие рисовые террасы Хунхэ-Хани в китайской провинции Юньнань.   Недавно партнеры подписали новый Меморандум о взаимопонимании (МоВ) – Об активизации усилий по реализации Инициативы по развитию систем сельскохозяйственного наследия мирового значения (ГИАХС) путем расширения потенциала в рамках Сотрудничества по линии Юг-Юг (СЮЮ).  
25 Feb 2015
A cooperative of women in Ethiopia is set to reach the international market thanks to a partnership between Italian gourmet food store Eataly and FAO. The two joined forces in 2013 to support family farmers around the globe in boosting their production and finding ways to reach new overseas customers. The work with the women's cooperative is one example of this collaboration.
Private Sector
25 Feb 2015
Cactus pear marmalade to join more traditional jams on Italian shelves
A cooperative of women in Ethiopia is set to reach the international market thanks to a partnership between Italian gourmet food store Eataly and FAO. The two joined forces in 2013 to support family farmers around the globe in boosting their production and finding ways to reach new overseas customers. The work with the women's cooperative is one example of this collaboration.For a few years Tsega Gebrekidan...
Private Sector
18 Feb 2015
Funds will flow to FAO’s new private sector trust fund, partnership includes projects in Africa
For the next three years, Swedish lighting company Aura Light will donate 1 percent of its revenues on all sustainable lighting installation and products sold in southern European retail outlets to the global effort to eliminate hunger. Aura Light International CEO Martin Malmros and FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva today signed a partnership agreement that will channel a portion of the company’s sales in Italy, Spain, Greece and Portugal to FAO, where they will support specific projects related to energy efficiency, renewable energy, food security and sustainability. “Sustainability and social responsibility comes naturally to us, so I am very proud to...
Civil Society
29 Jan 2015
FAO meets with the European Coordination of La Via Campesina to work towards the implementation of the Voluntary Guidelines on Land Tenure
29 January 2015, Rome – The European Coordination of La Via Campesina (ECVC) today presented its conclusions on common land issues in Europe and Central Asia regarding progress on the implementation of the Voluntary Guidelines on Land Tenure (VGGT).  “Despite our perception, we have observed strong dynamics of concentration of land and land grabbing also taking place in Europe. Agricultural lands are being transformed into non-agricultural use at a fast pace. We have also noticed a problem on access to land for small scale farmers, young, and prospective farmers,” said...